Protecting Your WordPress Website From Cyber Threats

Every website needs a strong security arsenal; a WordPress website is no exception. Data theft is becoming more of an issue as the Internet becomes a more integral part of our everyday lives. As a result, strong security isn’t just a nice to have, it’s a must-have. This blog post should help you secure your site without hassle or spending a lot of money.

Before we get into the meat of the article, we can’t understate the importance of choosing a web host that prioritizes security, such as Spaceship. This will go a long way to keeping your WordPress site secure.

Now let’s dive in!

1.  Choose secure themes and plugins

The main appeal of WordPress is its wide array of themes and plugins that can change the look and functionality of your site in just a few clicks. Coming in paid and free forms, you’re sure to find what you need, whatever your budget. However, that doesn’t mean you should get just any theme or plugin. One of the most significant vulnerabilities a site can have is old software. Software that hasn’t been updated can have known vulnerabilities, and hackers can easily exploit them to access your site’s backend. So before you install anything, check the reputation of the developer, the reviews, and when it was last updated. If it’s been a while, it’s best to choose something else. Otherwise, you may be giving threat actors easy access to sensitive information.

2.  Get security plugins

Speaking of plugins, they’re an excellent way to give your site added security functionality. You’re sure to find something to suit your needs, whether you want to add a firewall that prevents suspicious traffic from accessing the site or an all-in-one security tool that performs regular backups and malware scans.

3.  Use strong passwords and 2FA

The importance of a strong password is always worth emphasizing, especially when so many Internet users still practice poor password hygiene. Using short, easy-to-guess passwords (123456 and password, anyone?) that you don’t change regularly is an invitation to disaster. Avoid exposing yourself and your Internet users by being a little more mindful about your password choices. Create a password at least 12 characters long, with a mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. Change it regularly. Help yourself remember it by using a reputable password manager. Easy peasy. And make sure you enforce this policy sitewide if other people are helping you run it.

4.  Delegate specific user roles

If you’re going to have several people work on your site, they don’t all have to have access to everything that doesn’t have anything to do ith their role. With WordPress, you can delegate roles like Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. By doing so, you prevent specific users from accidentally changing anything they shouldn’t or even prevent a hacker from causing mayhem if they happen to take over an account with fewer privileges.

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