Know about the latest 3D artwork NFT launched on Solana blockchain to decide on investment. Let’s read about Myuta NFT in this article.
Myuta is a collection of two tribes of Myutarangers on Solana’s network in Australia and the United States. Each tribe has 4,444 unique Myutarangers. Natural realmis the origin for first tribe and the Magitech realmis the origin for the second tribe. The co-founder of Myuta and the creative director were impressed with the trends in the NFT market. Finally, they decided to launch the Myuta Coin. Know more about Myuta NFT in this article.
What is Myuta?
Myuta Coin is a new NFT launched in the market. It is a multiverse planet that was launched to bring new opportunities to the NFT market. Myuta consists of characters called Myutarangers. More characters will be introduced in Myuta in the future. Myuta is supported by Solana’s network, built to handle thousands of transactions per second. Solana’s ecosystem was designed to be a powerful blockchain to overcome the drawbacks of Ethereum.
How do Myuta works?
- Myuta is a community-driven NFT
- Stakeholders of Myuta will be given insensitive by purchasing Victoria VR land worth $50K
- If Myuta NFT succeeds in the market, the Myuta team will give 1/3 of its revenue to community members
- A green mining farm will be introduced to get a positive RoI.
Founder of Myuta:
MYUTAFURY, an American entrepreneur, is the co-founder of Myuta Coin.
Myuta Price Statistics:
The price of the Myuta is yet to be decided as the Myuta team is still in the process of community building. Currently, we know that the supply of Myutarangers is limited to 8,888. Myuta can be traded on the Solana blockchain. Myutarangers are virtual 3D art collectibles that were hand-drawn to create Myuta NFT.
Two hundred Myutarangers will be reserved for marketing purposes. Fifteen Legendary Myutarangers will be allotted to stakeholders via a lottery system. Other stakeholders will win regular Myutarangers. Fifty percent of the receivings will be donated to charity.
More airdrops and giveaways will be introduced in quarter one of 2022. As Myuta is a community-driven NFT, holders will decide how to distribute the rewards. Out of fifty percent royalties, thirty percent will be diverted to the marketing of Myuta Coin, and twenty percent will be invested to grow mining farms in the Myuta multiverse.
Price predictions of Myuta NFT:
- Myuta Coin being a new NFT, its price predictions are yet awaited.
How to buy Myuta?
- Currently, Myuta promotes Myutarangers as a giveaway on different events like Christmas.
- Myuta Coin can be earned by joining the Myuta community on social media platforms.
Myuta Coin is building up in the market. It will still take time to decide its price and to stabilize in the market. As it will be available on the Solana exchange, which is new in the market, we suggest investors to wait until the RoI is clear with the Myuta NFT price predictions in the future.
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Jorden Smith is a passionate writer and researcher with a knack for exploring news and website reviews. With a keen eye for detail and a love for uncovering hidden gems, Jorden’s work is always thorough and informative. When not busy writing, Jorden enjoys traveling and discovering new places. Stay tuned for more insightful articles from this up-and-coming writer.