Is Legit (March 2022) Let Us Know The Truth Here!

Is Legit (March 2022) Let Us Know The Truth Here! >> This post will help you in finding the trustworthiness of the site that offers affiliate services.

Do you want to learn about Then, let’s get into this blog post to learn about the website and its services. 

In the current era, affiliate marketing companies are generating high revenue. People trust these companies to grow their market reach. It is performance-based marketing where the business rewards affiliates for every visitor or a customer carried by the affiliate marketing efforts. Furthermore, is prevalent in the United States and the people there are curious to know about it.

But, what do you think Is Legit?

What is

According to the introduction page of the website is the top-most affiliate marketing company. It is currently working with the influencers on popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. 

The website claims to provide high payouts, flexibility and transparency to the influencers. Moreover, the company is assuredly pledging that any social media user can become the productive influencer with any size following. 

How does works?

The social media advertiser pays to get traffic. Revenue generated by them is going back to the affiliates. Let’s look further in this post to learn about the customer’s Reviews.

Key features of

  • The website is established on 18/04/2021.
  • You can watch the video or contact the manager via your affiliate dashboard to understand, navigate or utilize certain website areas. 
  • You will get your payment instantly after setting your payment method. 
  • The is free to join. 
  • You can earn $50 as bonus signup. 
  • For every friend invite to you will get $15.
  • On the website, you will get full assistant regarding how to begin. 

Is Legit?

Under this heading, people will learn about the trustworthiness of the website as these days, many fraud sites are presented on the network that seems like a legit portal, but in actuality, the website is a scam. 

Kindly consider the blow enclosed parameters before taking any services from 

  • Domain registration date – the website is freshly established as its domain creation date is 18/04/2021.
  • Domain expiration date- the domain of the website will expire after 18/04/2022.
  • Content quality – The average quality content is uploaded on the website. 
  • Shopper’s feedback – You will find some Instagram stories and DM screenshots on the website where people have posted their earnings from the
  •  Website trust rank- As per the trust indicator, the website has earned 42.2%.
  • Trust score- The site has acquired a meager trust score that is 1% only. 
  • Popularity- As per the internet, the site has not earned many engagements from the United States audience. 

Customers’ Reviews

Indeed, this affiliate marketing site has posted some feedback screenshots on its dashboard where people were chasing the website and its services. While on the external portals, people found investigating about the authenticity of the site and some are also stating about it negatively.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the is the questionable website as of now as we have not obtained any accurate indication that demonstrates the site’s genuineness. Please do check every parameter on your own before taking any services from this website. 

Do you have anything to say about this site? Then, please post your feedback in the comments of this Is Legit post. 

Also Read : – Precarious Silk Nest (July 2021) Get Detailed Insight!

85 thoughts on “Is Legit (March 2022) Let Us Know The Truth Here!”

  1. Totally fake. You start by needing to earn 120$ in order to cash out, but wait they have more ! In order to cash out you have to earn 150$ in referrals, 6 completed referral sign ups, 15 invite links clicked, 6 completed surveys oh and I’m sure once all that is done they will simply say one of your clicks was done by a robot or something and then decide your ineligible to cash out…. It’s sad that YouTube does not regulate the adds they show because they are too money hungry. *”” AVOID***

      • This is not a legit site. I have 8 payments that have been pending for a couple months now and still have not been paid for none of them

        • Hello David Cote, Have you checked with other reviews. All are facing same problem. No one has got any response from them. They are scammers and don’t rely on them. Be cautious and make others aware of them. So such portals can be banned. Take care.

        • I think it might be a scam I have three payments pending. $6,555 in total. I think they are using us to get ad revenue through all the clicks. They’re getting paid by Walmart, Stash, CashApp and all the other companies that they are advertising for…

    • I got all my referrals and everything and I have a pending deposit on my account, you didn’t go through with everything that’s why you think it’s fake but if you actually get all 100% on surveys commission and all of that it will put a pending deposit on your account, you can’t make your assumptions public, it’s people on here that really wanna know if it’s real or fake and it’s people like you saying “I’m pretty sure if” that’s not a yes or no fact that’s what you think you didn’t go through with it, I went all the way through with it and I have a pending deposit on my account and that’s factual !

    • This site is a total scam they owe me over $1700 and set a payment date and extended it not once but 5 times well I’m not getting paid for the work I already put in so I would be a fool to continue. I logged in today just out of sheer curiosity and it says inactivity detected and my payment his on hold and I quote inactive users don’t get paid and they are requiring 2 surveys a day and two invites a day until the scheduled payment. I met all the requirements they set and never got paid and now this. I wish I could find out where the people that run this are and I’d take a few people and give them a crash course in the way capitalism works

  2. I’ve been on surveyj for five days. I also feel it’s questionable while I run the steps to get my first actual payout to see if the money I’ve earned will actually drop into my paypal account.

    The final criteria I have yet to reach is a certain level of referral commissions, which are 20% of what people who sign up through your link earn from app downloads and surveys.

    This morning I noticed that the goal for my referral commissions went up from $120 to $150 without any notice or explanation. Now it feels like surveyj is dangling a carrot on a string in front of me. It seems like they’re trying to be sneaky about never actually paying people by raising the first cash out requirements and hoping you don’t notice.

    PS — There’s a typo on their downloads page, “…get piad…”

    • Hello Anthony! This is appreciable that you have made an attempt to do great research. Also you have tried hit and miss ways to find the facts. The chances of each investment is different. Hopefully you will get your share of luck. Stay safe.

      • So I’ve put in about 20 hours and I have completed all the requirements to cash out. Once you do cash out it gives you and scheduled deposit date one month from the cash out date…. I am now one month and one day past my cash out and I still have not received my money. I have collected a little over $9000 and I don’t believe I will see any of it!!! Is it fake is it real…… only time will tell but for NOW I’m going with fake!!!! Don’t waste your time!

        • Hello Shawn Paul Sims, hearing such incidents feels sad. We can understand collecting such huge amount and no output. Try to get an idea from experienced person who came across this site or incident. You might get some idea. Let us know. Thanks.

        • Why are you this heartless you collected a whooping amount of 9000$ and still claim to be scam what do you call your self
          YouTube pays 5000$ for one million views and you made such money you are still complaining have sense

  3. I was desperate and knew was probably bullshit but I tried anyway for days. Got friends to sign up. Hit all my goals just now for my first cash out. It said I would get paid immediately on their site.

    Welp. After I requested my balance of over 2k to be released now it’s saying I won’t get the money until August 5 2021. And that’s if their team decides not to just say all my hard work was bullsh!t…

    Not to mention half the surveys me and my pals filled out wouldn’t even get credited to our accounts. I know it’s my fault but I genuinely feel so hurt and dumb rn.


    Originally when I signed up I thought it could be a vaid source of income until I found a job. I know people who take surveys for a living. After I did the surveys I went to cashout but they blocked it. They said I had to invite personal friends and have 8 signups ($150 referral income from 8 signups) before I could cashout. In their prewritten message they expected me to lie to my friends telling them that I made $xxx amount taking surveys when in reality that number was an amount on a screen NOT real cash in my hand. So I changed the message to be more honest telling them that they were expected to follow rules before cashing out. SurveyJ refused to credit those invites! Now I am stalked by telemarketers, receiving 4-5 calls DAILY even on weekends and no payment for my time! Final note, I Will Not Lie To My Friends by saying I made money when I didn’t!!!!

      • At this point i have cashed out 5 grand, and the scheduled date has passed. I wasnt even given a reason as to why i didnt receive my money, but the scheduled date is in the past now, and i still havent received my mony.

          • Hello David Cote, We have seen most of the comments are of the same complaint. No one has got the payment and all are waiting and trying to reach them. Yet no such results. If you get any please update us. Be careful. Thanks. Take care.

        • I have almost $5500 and $4200 pending now my first schedule date is December 20 I’m waiting until,I spent almost 1month to earn up to that amount…. Survey must make sure my first payment is paid into my PayPal on the 20 of December…All my effort must not been in vain..

    • I thought this surveyj thing was legit, seeing the videos in YouTube and I tried my best and completed all survey and task… I had second thoughts when I cashed out cause it said it’ll be scheduled for a month which is Nov 24th but didn’t receive any payments… Well it’s all scam and bullshit

  5. I also joined the network three days ago and I’ve been trying my best to fulfill the requirements for my first cash out. As it stands I’ve done more than ten surveys but it still shows I’ve done only three so I’m even wandering how to fulfill that and they way they do their things are questionable

    • Hello Nkrumah Emmanuel, Thank you for that you mentioned your feedback. The website is having a big question mark on his head due to many factors that we have already detaled in our blog. We would appreciate if you can share and spread the word so that other people can also stay alert. Stay safe.

  6. I have complete all the task except the commission survey of my referrals which is 120 trying to make it 150 but it’s not working have I been wasting my time on this platform! I have about $5000 on there! If it doesn’t comes out I’m gonna kill my self for you people

    • Hello Francis, The effort you have made to share is admirable. We would appreciate if you can just leave it as it is and spread amongst other people so that they can also stay alert. Nothing to worry or kill. Life is very precious. Stay safe.

  7. i just joined today, will keep this page updated, I just sent my referral all around, to get the clicks, but 6 sign ups, probably won’t happen… we’ll see how it goes.

      • Hello I been working so hard and expend many weeks to come to collect my first payment and at the same time getting involve many friend’s and family to participate in and my first payment date never received and the others payments with different dates over $6000.00 I feel really bad about this to tried involved my friends and family and find out that still pending payments all. I find afther review a contact information that I willing to communicate with this company that is [email protected] to dispute and claim my money and a phone number that are AAA rules at and a phone 1800-778-7879 I will tried calling and send emails and find out what will happen.
        For the moment after 30 days i don’t have any resolution to agree about my dispute for payment, I will address the fraud government department to report this company for false advertising and Google general claims including PayPal for let then use there name for a fraudulent participation.

        • Hello Enrique Patterson, Yes, you said it right. We can understand how you must be feeling. They are fraudulent. After going through all comments, for sure they are cheaters. All are facing the same problem and no one has got any response till now. Did you reach your payment company? It’s is better to file a complaint. It will give justice to all. Be aware and take care.

    • Hi Rasheed, great you have raised your query, people who have genuinely dealt with this find it not an authentic one. They are getting difficulties in the withdrawal process and hence are believing it to be a scam. It will be good if you also read reviews and then decide. Take care

  8. This site is a joke I have done almost 2000 dollars and even completed all the necessary requirements except the commision referral bc I’m not getting credit for what others are doing even tho they are using my link just a way they can scam you I guess I don’t get my credit so I can cash out I will be finding another way to get my hard earned money

    • Hello Natalie I Yarbrough, Readers like you are very much of help. As you have shared your feedback while dealing with site, people will surely learn a lesson from it. We hope that you would be successful in getting your hard earned money. Take care

      • This site is 100% scam I suppose to receive my earnings today but I didn’t see anything in my BTC wallet I hate this site everything about it is fake don’t waste your time doing this useless site called men I hate this site wasted my time doing this useless they are owing me $ 59000 this platform is fake don’t do it be warned

  9. I’m from RSA, on the 1st of August i saw a link share in classifieds group, i joined hoping to make that fortune promised there, as i continued my mind was slowly whispering “Bro,this is too good to be true” after watching some some guys on youtube warning about how much of a scam this is i pulled out immediately, and started researching some facts myself.

    People this site really is the waste of your precious time, when i got to the account i created today i realised i needed only 6% on referal commission section so i tried to finish that as quick as possible and i was good to “cash out” my payment is pending to be approved on the 15th of september, i will come back with a feedback on the 15th.

    But now i strongly believe that is a scam, out stealing people’s personal details and selling them to insurance companies and load shacks, while on the other hand giving people false hope.

    Please be safe guys!

  10. Survey is a scam I was suppose to get my payout August 20th and got nothing.. When you sign up you agree to fraud terms but yet this company is frauding us..

  11. I joined two weeks ago and completed the requirements last night. I read that payment would be completed instantly. After I clicked the button for payment, a message popped up saying pending team review and if payment not cleared by the team on the date specified which was 8/22/2021 contact them via the live chat in the help section. There is no live chat in the help section. There is no email, address, or customer service number to contact. I got my family and friends involved and I feel terrible that I encouraged them into something that is not legit.

  12. So.. I submitted a request for payment back on August 1st of 2021. I stayed consistent in what was asked and my first payment should’ve been for $7366. And then I stayed consistent with it for 30 days to rack up close to $22k; even took screenshots for records. Now it’s almost noon of September 1st and still no payment has been delivered not received. Sad.. the only hope is to give it the remaining 12 hours left for September 1st to officially be able to say that this site is fake.

  13. I joined surveyj during July month, and I completed everything , and scheduled date of payment was 31 August , and today is the 09 Sept. NO PAYMENT RECEIVED.
    Now I can confidently say Survey j is a SCAM.

  14. 100% scam. Avoid at all cost. They owe me 5k and past payment dates once, then randomly date was extended to extra month further and is now another additional month past date. People that do this and steal from everyone should be prosecuted.

  15. It shall not be well with SurveyJ both people running it the person that founded it too
    Anything you do in life won’t succeed in life
    Life will disappoint y’all……..My God will disgrace you
    Over thinking would be your main problem that y’all would run insane MAD big one
    I wasted all my time everything just because of this stupid surveyJ stuff
    Now since yesterday I haven’t gotten my money
    Ahh God go scatter your plan
    All the good things you have in mind will turn to bad things God will scatter them all By His Grace 🙏🏽💯

    • Hello OpiZYn, Well said and a fact of life. Once in a while you will be disappointed by some factors. Think positive and be positive. Everything will be on the track. Hope you get your money back on time. Stay safe and take care.

  16. SurveyJ is a scam they owe me +$1000 scheduled for payment on the 28th of Nov 2021 till now nothing, I shall keep you updated of any changes which I doubt will take place either way

  17. I’m still waiting for my payment that was scheduled for the 13th of November 2021. It’s annoying because there is no way of getting in contact with them.

    • Hello Indy, Almost all have posted they have not received. Please check the reviews, if you can get any idea. All are facing the same issue. Please update if you get any clue. Thanks in advance. Take care.

  18. This site is totally fake I finished every step needed but when I try to cash out nothing yet happened I thought this site basic aim is to demolish people’s fidelity they say share the link by expressing what you get I am sorry

    • Hello Mintesnot ASRAT, Yes it is for sure scam website. We can understand how much of efforts you have done to complete all steps, still no reply from them. No payment till date. Hope this issue should be resolved soon. All are in a panic situation. Please be careful. If you get any details, update here. Thanks in advance.

  19. Right now is one of the worst time to have your time play with we have responsibilities that need to be taken care of and we all took the time out of our Lives to try to work from home and do exactly what survey J promised we followed the rules and Every Witch Way and no one got paid I feel like we should all come together and file a lawsuit against survey J and the CEO or founders I have over $1,000 play I know some of you have almost 30 15 $10,000 that survey J owes you and if we come together I think we can at least get something out of it this is not right and it’s time for change if anyone knows any lawyers will be willing to take the cakes I’m willing to fight this this is ridiculous it’s Christmas time and I was really depending on that money for my kids my payment was supposed to come today and I still haven’t received $1

  20. 😡😡😡😡😡
    Absolute SCAM.worked so hard for 3 months.did all that was required of me.
    Scheduled date was not honoured.

  21. Finally completed all surveys, as it’s difficult to complete in my region… many surveys don’t count here
    But, finally pulled through. For me to now see all these feedbacks is totally disheartening, like all efforts, more than two months gone to waste
    So, nobody has actually cashed out…like NOBODY?
    So unfortunate….so I’ve been telling a whole lots of people, strangers and close ones that I made a certain amount when I literally made nothing?
    Even did far more than required….just to see these feedbacks
    I’m so angry and tensed and frustrated right now…
    This is crazy

    • Hello Adeyemi Ismail, it’s terrible. So many people are waiting for their reply. Hope all the investors can get justice and can be able to get cash out. Please update if any information is available. Thanks.

  22. Am done with it and actually requested for the payout and they told me am an inactive user, and I must refer two more people and two more surveys before they can actually pay.

  23. What is going on here is just like the gaming app ads you see on Google Play, where it shows you all this money going into a PayPal account saying you will get rich or make money just for playing games it is a scheme to get you to watch all the ads you can before you find out it is fake making the developer money and you nothing. I have played much fake game apps to put them all to the test and most of these systems are developed by someone out of the country and this is a prime example of them scam game. This is really sad

    • Hello zarwarani, we appreciate your views on our blog and propose many readers got tricked by this questionable website. You need to further research that indicates the site’s authenticity. Stay safe!


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