Is Asimmys Legit (July 2021) Check The Reviews Here!

Is Asimmys Legit (July 2021) Check The Reviews Here! >> Do you want the details of a site where you can get a wide range of electronic items. Read now!

Have you ever come across an online portal that offers different types of electronic items and other kitchen appliances under one site? 

Well, you are at the right place in this guide; we will share the details of one such online store, which is gaining much attention in the United States. Also, we will answer the most frequent questionIs Asimmys Legit, here.

Read further to get more clarity on this Website.

Is Asimmys a legit site?

  • Domain Age- The domain was registered on 12/06/2021.
  • Trust score- It is too low, only 2.4%.
  • Reviews- Customer reviews are not available on is Website, nor on any other sources.
  • Alexa rank- The site has got 0 Alexa rankings.
  • Plagiarism content- The content is too short to check the plagiarism
  • Policies- Its return refund and shipping policy is mentioned, but no exchange policy is given.
  • Address’s originality- No address is mentioned.
  • Social media Icons $ connection- We could trace no social media page or accounts on platforms like Facebook.
  • Owner’s Information- The owner’s details is not available.
  • Asimmys Reviews– Customer reviews are not available on is Website, nor on any other sources.
  • Unrealistic Discounts- No discounts are available as such for now

What is Asimmys .com?

Under this online shopping portal, you can get various items here within one site. The site has got the following products;-

  • Smart home appliances – such as speakers, charging cables etc.
  • Computers and tablets
  • Kitchen appliances and tools.

Therefore this site deals with a wide range of products and has got all the details mentioned about the products. Further, continue reading through the other segments to know Is Asimmys Legit.

Specifications of the Website:-

  • Domain name- The domain was registered on 12/06/21, which means the domain is recently registered and is registered only for the year 2022; the life expectancy is short.
  • URL- The website URL is
  • Category- The site sells smart home electronic items along with various kitchen tools.
  • Email- The email id is [email protected] which matches the domain name.
  • Address-No address is mention on the site.
  • Contact no- The contact no. is +8613516924444, but the number does not work.
  • Payment Modes- PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Amex.

I hope you have got a bit clearer on the most strive question Is Asimmys Legit; we will share more details on it further.

  • Return Policy- The Website has mentioned a 14 days return policy after the receipt of the product.
  • Refund Policy- The refund will be initiated within 5-7 working days on PayPal and within 7-15 days working days on cards.
  • Exchange Policy- No exchange policy is mentioned on this Website.
  • Shipping Policy-According to the detailsthe orders will be typically processed within 1-2 days.
  • Delivery Policy- The orders will be delivered within 15-30 days.
  • Social Media Presence- The Website is lacking its social media presence on social media pages are available.

Pros of this site

  You can get more details on Asimmys Reviews through this section.  

  • The Email id provided is similar to the domain name.
  • The correct payment methods are provided.
  • Return and refund policies are given.
  • All the details of the shipping and delivery policy are mentioned on this Website.

Cons of this site

  • The contact information is incomplete; no address is provided on this Website.
  • The social media presence of the Website is deficient and lacking.
  • The site has got a low trust index score.
  • The site’s content is too short, and no owner’s details are mentioned on this site.

Customer reviews on Is Asimmys Legit or not is a website that offers electronic items primarily as per the details mentioned on this site. Along with that, the site has got various other kitchen appliances and tools.

When researching the customer reviews, it is regrettable that we could not trace a single review on this Website. 

Also, no reviews are present on any other reliable website such as trust pilot, and the Website has got no social media traces; hence no customer reviews are available on any of the social media platforms. Click here to read if you are a victim of Credit card scams.

Final statement

In this write up we have tried to solve the most crucial point Is Asimmys Legit. Other than that, based on all the above legitimacy checkpoints, it seems that the site is relatively new. 

Hence we recommend you to research before investing in this site as internet frauds  are much common now. Also, guys, have you ever faced a PayPal scam? To find out more, tap here.

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