With so many different countries in the world, having a mobile phone allows us to connect with anyone on the planet. But how can we make sure we stay in touch with our loved ones, even when we’re far away from home? Let’s discuss some of the most essential information on international calling to get you started.
International Calling Basics
To call someone in another country, you’ll need to dial the country code before the area code and number. For example, to make the cheapest calls to Cuba, you need to use 53. The code you need to call Italy from the USA is 39. To call a local number in Italy, call 39-011234567. If you have a landline, you’ll need to use a “Local Access and National” calling card.
Most countries in the world have their own unique codes that begin with 01. This is a major benefit to make international calls using calling cards. They usually work on any calling plan. This is why you should never consider a pay-per-minute phone call or international SMS without checking how it will work with your mobile plan. Here are the main considerations when you’re choosing an international calling plan.
1. Use the Right Calling Card
There are plenty of companies that sell calling cards that are easy to use, but make sure you choose a reputable one. Look for a card with an active mobile network. You should be able to call the company’s mobile network with the numbers on the back of the calling card. Check to see if there’s a connection error rate that applies to the calling card. If it’s over 5%, it’s usually a signal that the network is not available. You can use the same card for domestic and international calls, but it might be cheaper to buy two different cards if that is the case.
2. Pay for Your Plan Ahead of Time
One of the easiest ways to save money on international calling is to do your research on how much the service will cost, and how much credit you can buy beforehand. It will prevent you from being put on hold during an overseas call or having to pay through the nose for an SMS. To plan ahead, you’ll need to know the calling rate for the area code and the rate per minute of time for that area code. If you can’t find out how much you should be spending ahead of time, ask the company you buy the calling card from. They will be able to tell you if they can provide free calling cards.
3. Use International Calling Apps
Some people prefer making international calls over the regular method, because it’s faster. With an app, you can save even more money by using the calling features on your phone, and then use your phone’s data plan for everything else. There are many apps that offer these features.
Jorden Smith is a passionate writer and researcher with a knack for exploring news and website reviews. With a keen eye for detail and a love for uncovering hidden gems, Jorden’s work is always thorough and informative. When not busy writing, Jorden enjoys traveling and discovering new places. Stay tuned for more insightful articles from this up-and-coming writer.