Guilform Reviews (Oct 2021) Is The Website Legit Or Not?

Know the details about a website that seems to be fraudulent and find out the Guilform Reviews to save yourself from being a victim of any online scam.

Does your vehicle need new headlights? We all know that headlights are so important for driving. But they are fragile are likely to be damaged easily. If you are having trouble finding the right headlight against a good deal, you can check out the e-commerce portal named, which is based in the United States.

But due to the importance of headlights for safety, we should look at the Guilform Reviews before trusting the site with this essential item.


This e-commerce site is focused on selling car headlights. But this is not the only item in their product line. You can also find other driving and riding-related accessories like welding helmets (for vehicle mechanics, we guess), knee pads, etc. They also have microwaves and a pillow in their stocks though these two items have no accordance with their other offerings.

There is not much information available about the company on the official website. The prices of the products are all under $100, but we cannot be too excited about it as we still have to find out Is Guilform LegitYou must register yourself on the website by opening an account there to make any purchase.

Specific Details of the Website

  • Fulfill Your Requirement Here:
  • Contact Via Phone: (832) 563-4866
  • Contact Person: Thomas Strapp
  • Registered Address: 3707 Adonia Place, Sugar Land, TX, 02122, US
  • Contact Via Email: [email protected]
  • Shipping Policy: The policy is not clearly stated
  • Shipping Charges: Not mentioned
  • International Orders: They accept international orders
  • Free Shipping: On orders above $75
  • Return Requests: 30-day return policy is present
  • Return Cost: No data is found
  • Return Methods: Not found
  • Guilform Reviews: There is no review on the internet
  • Exchange Requests: Exchange requests can be made within 30 days
  • Payment Options: PayPal and card payments
  • Order Cancellation: Nothing is given regarding this
  • Refund Amount: Only product price is refundable, which means shipping costs won’t be refunded
  • Social Activity: The site is not active on social media

Summary of Advantages

  • Return is possible within 30 days
  • 30 days exchange policy is also applicable
  • Free shipping is available
  • Prices are reasonable

Summary of disadvantages

  • No reviews are seen to answer Is Guilform Legit?
  • Policies are not clearly stated
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable
  • Only two payment modes are available
  • The company’s popularity is uncertain

What is the Website’s Reliability?

While searching for the authenticity of the products found in this particular e-commerce portal, we came across the following data.

  • Address Legality: Address is present on the Google Map
  • Registration Date: 20-08-2021
  • Domain Age: 2 months only
  • Trust Score: 1%
  • Payment Types: PayPal and card payments are accepted
  • Contact Details: Both phone number and email id is given on the site, and the name of the contact person has been mentioned
  • Reviews: Any Guilform Reviews are unavailable
  • Details of Policies: Policies are unclear
  • Payment Types: Two types of payment are accepted – PayPal and Cards
  • Owners Details: The owners’ id is not disclosed
  • Server Location: Unknown
  • Plagiarism: A very small amount of duplicate data is found
  • Social Media Accounts: The company has no social media accounts

Providing the name of a contact person adds to the positivity for sure, but that is not enough to make the website come out clean. Moreover, the website is linked to more than one country, which makes it suspicious.

Customers’ Guilform Reviews

It is very disappointing that even after a thorough search, we could not find a single review about the website on the internet. Moreover, the site’s absence on the social networking platform has made the task even harder as the social media is also unable to project the buyers’ views about the headlights  bought from here.

Though the official site offers a review section for the buyers to express their thoughts, no one has left a comment yet. Hence, if you get Scammed Online, Take Action.


The contrary details found about this website and the absence of Guilform Reviews make the website very suspicious. So, we think that investing money here is not a wise move as it can lead you to a scam. To be safe, know about how to Get money refund on credit card.

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