Nikaruostore Reviews (June 2022) Is The Website Legit?

Do you want to know about the website Nikaruostore, which offers swimming clothes and equipment? Please check the article below from Nikaruostore Reviews.

Do you like swimming and searching for a store that is available online and offers clothes and body equipment for swimming? If yes, then you must read the article below; we will be researching such a website only. The name of the website on which the research will start is Nikaruostore. We will be discussing various points on the website, like its pros and cons, along with its specifications and legitimacy pointers. 

Nikaruostore’s offline store is available in the United States. So, let’s begin with our article, Nikaruostore Reviews.

About Nikaruostore

Nikaruostore is an e-commerce site that is on the internet. It is a shopping website, and the products available on it are related to swimming, like swimming caps, swimming boxers, and other products on Nikaruostore. No discounts are currently available on Nikaruostore. The interface of the page is not so attractive that it can grab the customers’ attention. Well the company claims to offer the best products at the best prices. 

A variety of payment methods is unavailable on Nikaruostore, and even Nikaruostore is not available on social media pages. So, let’s discuss that Is Nikaruostore Legit.

Specifications of Nikaruostore

  • URL Link – The URL link of Nikaruostore is 
  • Email Address – The email address of Nikaruostore is [email protected] 
  • Contact Number – The number for contact given for customers on Nikaruostore is +19297440043
  • Company Address – The address of the offline store of Nikaruostore is Lancaster Avenue, United States
  • Domain Age – The date on which Nikaruostore came on the internet is 01/06/2022. Nikaruostore has not even completed one month on the internet. 
  • Shipping Policy – In the shipping policy, the time for shipping given on Nikaruostore is 5 to 10 business days.  
  • Customer Reviews – There are no customer Nikaruostore Reviews available on the website.
  • Return and Refund Policy – Nikaruostore provides a policy of 30 days where you return the product in 30 days. 
  • Newsletter – The newsletter is available on Nikaruostore. 
  • Social Media Connection – Nikaruostore is unavailable on any social media accounts. 
  • Products Available – The products available on Nikaruostore are related to swimming, like t-shirts, goggles, boxers, etc. 

Advantages of Nikaruostore

  • The contact us page is full of information. Nikaruostore has provided a lot of information that can help a customer contact with the website, like email support, contact support, and even company address.

Disadvantages of Nikaruostore

  • There are no customer Nikaruostore Reviews available for the website Nikaruostore.
  • Countable products are available on Nikaruostore, which means there is no variety of products available. 
  • The content on Nikaruostore is plagiarised. The whole content is copied from other suspicious sites and is not unique. 
  • The information given on Nikaruostore is fake and is mentioned on the website only to fool the customers, like the company address is not true.
  • Experts do not design the interface of Nikaruostore as it is a dispersed interface and is not systematically arranged. 
  • Nikaruostore is new on the internet and has not even focused on its website truly, which means that it can be fake, also.

Is Nikaruostore Legit

  • Address Originality – The store’s address is given on Nikaruostore but is fake. 
  • Content Quality – The content on Nikaruostore is Plagiarised. 
  • Policies – Policies are not properly mentioned on Nikaruostore.
  • Owner Information – The information of the owner is not given on Nikaruostore. 
  • Social Media Connection – Nikaruostore is not linked with any social media accounts.
  • Trust Rank – 1% is the trust rank of Nikaruostore. 
  • Trust Score – Only 1.8 out of 100 is the trust score Nikaruostore. 
  • Unrealistic Discounts – No discounts or sale is currently available on Nikaruostore.
  • Domain Age – The date on which Nikaruostore came on the internet is 01/06/2022.
  • Expiration Date – The date on which Nikaruostore will expire is 01/06/2023.

Customers Nikaruostore Reviews

According to the research, there are no user reviews available for the website Nikaruostore. As a result, customers have not reached Nikaruostore yet. First, this is because it’s not even been a month since Nikaruostore has been available on the internet, which means it has a huge stability issue. Secondly, its interface is not attractive, so experts do not design it, and the information on Nikaruostore is plagiarised. You can know how to keep your money safe from Credit Card scams?


After reading the above article, Nikaruostore Reviewsand especially the disadvantages, it is clear that the legitimacy of Nikaruostore is suspicious, which means that the points are more towards scam and less towards legit. Hence, make sure that before shopping from Nikaruostore, you do proper research on your level. You can also know how to keep your money safe from PayPal scams?

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